

昨天我下午 4 点多就困在车龙 这边车祸 那边车祸 直到我 5 点多接到一通电话后 一路上回到槟城的家已是晚上的 7 点出 在接到电话直到回家的路上 这 2 个小时我不停的问自己 我刚才跑去多赚那 RM 8 做么?


老公每月给我的家用还要扣去存给女儿、存给妈妈、存给保险 还有我的生活 我所剩无几 所以我每一次在外赚的每一分每一毫都是我未来的名牌 可以吗?

我只不过想要天天可以这样带女儿去 Winter Warmers 喝 Rose Milk Tea 还有吃蛋塔 这样一来一回加 Parking 你知道要花多少钱吗?我只不过想要买给女儿多一点的智慧型玩具而不是让她天天都在玩纸盒 行吗?

人的高尚生活或低级品位只在乎于你自己的原点想要什么!不管你有多重要的 Appointment 请容许我为了多赚那点点的几块钱而迟回家 不能吗?

我的世界我的生活没有黑与白 我天天原地站在灰色的地带反复思考我到底要什么?我到底还有没有能力去胜任这段感情 ~
有时候就是因为自己的多虑 所以往往很想放弃我的 Plan B 我不想累人累己。


当人生遇到瓶颈时 除了还是要硬着头皮面对 我还能怎样?我天天除了想要钱钱钱 我还想要些什么?我想我开始迷路了 ~


一个全职妈妈一整天呆在家里面对着孩子是件不容易的事 很多时候我就是这样呆呆的坐着什么都不做 我不知道为什么 我不知道该怎样去面对孩子 我老是看不清前面的乡间小路日后会变成怎样的康庄大道 你知道吗?

更何况多一个小孩就是多一份压力 多一份约束 我真的要好好想一下!
我不是不相信自己 我只是开始怀疑自己!

心痛自己总是怀疑自己 我的减压方法靠每逢一针我都告诉自己别想这样多 ~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I rarely reply here but I wish to reply today. Everyone needs a direction and knows what is the priority. My direction is to have a happy and comfortable family and my priority is family first. I work hard so that I can earn enough for the family but I don't want to stress till the limit that I bring unhappiness to the family. My family asks me to do certain things, I will try my best to put priority no matter how busy. So, I spend time to make the house looks good and neat. So, I spend time w/ my family in order for them to see me more including wife, daughter and parents. I am not sure what else can I do. I am upset and frustrate sometime but I won't give up. I feel stress sometimes as I want to buy the best for the family and everyone keeps the relationship very good. I can even sascrify myself to achieve this. However, I am not saint. I cannot do something out of my control. I upset and frustrated but I won't give up.
