9 April 第一堂课特别的紧张 要小鹿特别的准时到医院 呵呵 ~
看到很多对的准爸爸和妈妈 再看看自己 原来自己的肚子是最大的 *显*
第一堂课的 1st Session 讲的是以下的资料;
资料提供全都是从医院给的 Flyer 抄来的······ 还有很多东西拿·······
When to see the doctor ?
* Missed period
* Once pregnancy is confirmed by UPT
* Before pregnant if associated with medical disorder
What happens to my body ?
When you are pregnant, many things change in your body to adapt to your baby growing inside you.
These changes often cause some problems for the mother.
However they often do not harm the mother or the baby.
* Morning Sickness
* Constipation
* Heartburn
* Piles
* Cramps
* Vaginal Thrush
* Varicose Veins
* Incontinence
What does the doctor check for when i come to the clinics ?
When the doctor sees you for the first time in the clinic, he often does not know anything about you. He / She needs to talk to you and examine you before the understands you and your pregnancy.
* Weight
* Blood Pressure
* Urine
* Examination
* Ultrasound Scan
Blood Pressure in pregnancy ?
* The normal blood pressure is less than 140/90
* If the blood pressure is raised, usually after 20 weeks, it may mean you have
* pre-eclampsia.
* It is a serious condition which can lead to problems with both the mother
* and baby.
Diabetes in pregnancy ?
* More common in those with family history of diabetes or similar history in
* previous pregnancies.
* May result in preterm deliveries, big baby, too much water around the baby,
* etc.
* Usually blood sugar returns to normal after delivery.
What is the doctor feeling for when he / she examines me ?
* To make sure the baby is growing healthily
* What is the position of the baby ?
* How many babies are there ?
* Has the baby's head got engaged by 36 weeks ?
* Is a vaginal delivery possible ?
How can I prepare myself for labour ?
* Go to Antenatal Class
* Get familiarized with the people and the surroundings
* Get your partner's support
* Exercise regularly
* Take a good diet. Take supplements if necessary
The dos and dos'ts in pregnancy
* Take folic acid during the first trimester. It is even better if you can take it
* before you are pregnant.
* Avoid taking medicine unless it is safe for the baby.
* Exercise
* Wear loose, comfortable clothing, good supportive brassieres and avoid
* high heels.
* Good time to travel will be during the second trimester. Different airlines
* have different rules about how late you can travel by air.
* Try to avoid long distance travelling during the last trimester.
* Sexual intimacy is allowed through the pregnancy unless advised not to by
* the doctor.
听医生跟着白版上的字念和解释完了一遍后就有一个小 Break ~
医院在这方面还好贴心 没有亏待我们 呵呵 还真替我们准备了不少的食物·····
虽然只有三文治、水果、蛋挞和水简简单单的四样 可是分量却足以多出几倍!
来到 2nd Session 是教准妈妈做一些基本的健身操······

在这里可以看得出有些准爸爸很细心 很疼老婆的 有些就比较没有耐性似的 ~
显 这 9 招要我挺这一粒大西瓜来做 对我来说简直就是买人命!
我喘 导师笑 我说我是全场最大的西瓜 不是吗?导师还猛点头····· ·······
9.30 pm 完 其实这个上课的时间不是很美 很多人放工赶着来 完了又不三不四
Friday Night 想看戏 但是时间又顶着中间 想宵夜又不是很想 想回家又太早 ~
最后小鹿带我去 Chulia Street 买 10 片 APong 吃!我不是说好···· ······
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