
产前课程 W.2 - Part I

第二堂课 由于下雨又塞车 我们迟到 25 分钟!
小鹿已经很赶了 可是还是迟到 也还好坐最后一排 因为导师会叫人问的 怕 ~

1st Session : Dietitian
这个环节 正确来说我没有什么听到 去到时导师已经念到 7788 了·····
我还很过份忙着看医院那天给我什么东西 马虎的略过看一看医院给的资料纸
所以,以下的资料全都是从医院给的 Flyer 抄来的·······

Weight gain recommendation is based on Body Mass Index ( BMI ) by using pre-pregnancy body weight ;
BMI = Weight ( kg ) / [ Height ( m ) x Height ( m ) ]

Recommendation weight gain :
Underweight = BMI Less than 18.5 kg/m2
Normal = BMI 18.5 - 24.9 kg/m2
Overweight = BMI 25.0 - 29.9 kg/m2
Obese = BMI 30 and above kg/m2

Rice and Alternatives
* Recommendation : 5 or more servings per day
* 1 serving = 1 cup of Cooked Noodles / Rice
* 1 serving = 1 cup Cooked Cereal
* 1 serving = 2 slides of Bread
* 1 serving = 1 Potato

* Recommendation : 2 - 3 servings per day
* 1 serving = 1 slide of Papaya / Watermelon / Honeydew
* 1 serving = 1 medium Orange / Pear / Apple
* 1 serving = 8 seeds of Grapes
* 1 serving = 1/2 cup of Cut Fruits
* 1 serving = 3/4 cup of Fruit Juice

* Recommendation : 3 -4 servings per day
* 1 serving = 1 cup of Raw Vegetables
* 1 serving = 1/2 cup of Cooked Vegetables

Meat and Alternatives
* Recommendation : 4 servings per day
* 1 serving = 60g of cooked Fish / Skinless Poultry / Lean Meat
* 1 serving = 1/2 cup Cooked Beans
* 1 serving = 2 whole Eggs

Milk and Daily Products
* Recommendation : 3 servings per day
* 1 serving = 1 cup of 250 ml Milk
* 1 serving = 1 cup of 200 g Yoghurt
* 1 serving = 2 slides of 45 g Cheese
* 1 serving = 3 tbsp of Milk Powder

Important Nutrients
* Iron
* - Aid in making Haemoglobin, which carried oxygen to the baby for optimal
* - development.
* - Sources : Lean Red Meat, Fortified Cereals, Baked Beans, Dark Green
* - Sources : Vegetables, Wholemeal Bread

* Magnesium
* - Reduces the incidence of pre-eclampsia, pre-term labour
* - Sources : Tofu, Green Vegetables, Dairy Products, Nuts

* Fibre
* - Prevent Constipation
* - Sources : Potatoes, Bean, Wholegrain, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables

* Zinc
* - Normal foetal development
* - Beneficial effect on infant's neurobehavioural development and immune
* - function
* - Sources : Meats, Fish, Egg, Milk, Nuts

* Folic Acid
* - Prevent neural tube defects : Spina bifida which can lead to incontinence,
* - paralysis, and even mental retardation.
* - Sources : Meats, Fruits, Green Leafy Vegetables, Fortified Breakfast Cereals

就这样匆匆忙上完了第一环节 又是 Break Time 呵呵 ~
医院还是一样准备了四样食物包括 水、水果、千层糕 还有忘了一样是什么·····
我很过份 那个千层糕 Layer Cake 好吃到不得了 我吃了三个!

本来我叫小鹿偷偷怕照的 可是小鹿问可以不可以不要每次都叫他偷偷拍照呢?

嗯····· ok 咯 谁叫我打死都不可能告诉人家说我要放上部落格做记录的!

第二个环节不知道和哪下个环节对调了 因为好像是医生没有空吧?
2nd Session : Is My Baby OKAY ?

~ 文接下篇

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