星期四吃完了最后的一颗药 现在还在等着看看我的病情会不会再发作 ~
当然阿弥陀佛 不要给老娘我再次的受苦 我实在是忍不住!
可是····· 我又发觉到我的肚皮好像又开始了····· 希望一切都是假象·······
看着 Kilnik Kesihatan 的医生在我的红簿子上写着简称 PUPPP ~
原来这种病叫 Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy
Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy ( PUPPP )
known in United Kingdom as Polymorphic Eruption of Pregnancy ( PEP ), is a chronic hives-like rash that strikes some women during pregnancy.
Although extremely annoying for its sufferers ( because of the itch ), it presents no long-term risk for either the mother or unborn child.
PUPPP frequently begins on the stomach and spreads to the legs, feet, arms, chest, and neck.
Although affecting about one in two hundred pregnancies and the commonest of the dermatoses of pregnancy, the condition was only formally identified and described in 1979.
PUPPP is also known as Late-onset prurigo of pregnancy, Toxemic rash of pregnancy ( not to be confused with " Toxemia of pregnancy " which is an alternative term for Pre-eclampsia ), and Toxic erythema of pregnancy.
Signs and Symptoms
The appearance of the condition changes over time. It starts with pruritic
( itchy ) urticarial ( wheals ) papules ( small, solid elevations of the skin ) in 98% of cases.
However over half develop multiple forms ( polymorphic ) with erythema
( redness ), vesicles ( small blisters ), and targetoid and eczematous ( eczema-like ) lesions.
The two sets of appearances gives rise therefore to both the American term of
" Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy " and the British description of " Polymorphic Eruption of Pregnancy ".
Papules and Plaques usually start appearing on the abdomen ( although not on the umbilicus / bellybutton / tummybutton itself ) and often spreads to the legs, chest, underarms, etc. The face is also spared and does not seem ever to become affected.
Skin distension ( stretching ) is a common factor in PUPPP, which is more common in mothers with large fundal measurements and / or those who are carrying large babies, twins, and triplets. The Papules and Plaques often first appear within stretch marks.
Certain studies reveal that this condition is more frequent in women carrying boys, although no formal research has been conducted. Statistics cite that 70% of PUPPP sufferers deliver boys.
The cause of the condition is unknown, but the distension of the skin is thought to play a role as this condition occurs mostly in first pregnancies
( primigravida ), in the third trimester and is more likely with multiple pregnancies ( more so with triplets than twins or than singletons ).
Other than additional associations with hypertension and induction of labour, there are no observed difference in the outcome of the pregnancy for mothers or babies.
Treatment of mild cases during pregnancy consists mainly of the application of topical moisturising creams or aqueous / emollient ointments.
Class I or II corticosteroid creams and ointments are used in more aggressive cases, and oral ( systemic ) corticosteroids can be used to treat very severe cases—although the benefits of a pregnant woman's ingesting high-potency corticosteroids must be weighed carefully against possible ( and mostly unknown ) risks to the developing fetus or fetuses.
Rarely, in unusually persistent and distressing cases, some women have had their labor induced as soon as they are considered to be at term ( 37 weeks ).
Antihistamine tablets may be prescribed to provide relief from the itch, although they are generally considered much less effective than corticosteroid treatments, and may act as little more than a sleep aid.
In the majority of cases, PUPPP resolves spontaneously within a week of delivery. However, a few women continue to experience symptoms long into the postpartum period.
这种 PUPPP 随随便便在 Google Search 按一下 你要几多的资料照片都有!
找完资料 我的看法如下;
** common in mothers with large fundal measurements and / or those who
** are carrying large babies
这个有点对 因为医生说我家的小虎是 Michelin Baby 嘛······
** Statistics cite that 70% of PUPPP sufferers deliver boys.
小鹿和我看到这个 70% 和 Boy 的字 就有点惊吓 不要告诉我生出来有只鸟的!虽然很多人看到我的肚子就告诉我说是 生男的!
** in unusually persistent and distressing cases, some women have had their
** labor induced as soon as they are considered to be at term ( 37 weeks ).
这个还好 医生一早就给我心理准备要我提早催生 - 37 weeks or 38 weeks
那天的验血报告医生没有来电 我想应该是平安无事吧?
应该不会下星期我去产检时才来临时告诉我 几天后我就要任人鱼肉吧?
我只保佑怀孕的妈妈们 千千万万不要那么的幸运和我一样 真的很难受!
Yy - Mini Room
10:59 AM
Labels: [ 小虎 ] 十月怀胎
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