这几天小虎很乖 她让她妈妈我日夜不休的忙 Update 网店的货品 ~
尤其是 Classic Pooh 觉得对顾客很抱歉 每次都是看不到货物样本然后下订单
实在是太谢谢你们了 真的很爱死你们!
Huh····· 荒废了很久的网店 所以还有一罗厘这样多的货待我 Update 真的很累!
不管怎样的忙 我还是先要在这里 Update 我的其他大大小小的事 大喊好累 ~
忽然间才觉得 时间好像比水流得更快!
或许下几篇 我只能匆匆忙忙的打下这几个字 " 我生孩子去了!" 呵呵 ~
上个星期五 终于上了最后一堂产前课程 对于整个课程没有太大的失望·····
可是对于最后一堂课的食物 非常的失望 非常的不好吃 哈哈 看来我只顾着吃!
而这天的课程有点长 1st Part 讲的是关于 Advantages of BreastFeeding
哇······ 每个准妈妈几多问题啦 好像个个都准备给他们家的 Baby 喝人奶似的 ~
而我呢?好像还在三心两意 犹豫不决的······ 就顺其自然吧!
从医院拿回来的资料如下 :
For Baby
* Due to the anti-infective properties of breastmilk, breastfed babies tend to
* have less incidence of or less pronounced symptoms or ear infections,
* respiratory illness, allergies, diarrhea and vomiting.
* Due to the digestibility of breastmilk, breastfed babies are rarely constipated.
* The stools of breastfed babies are mild-smelling.
* SIDS ( Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ) is less common in breastfed babies.
* Breastmilk is constantly changing in its composition to meet the changing
* needs of the baby. It has the exact combination of protein, fats, vitamins,
* minerals,enzymes, and sugars needed for the human infant at various staged
* of his growth.
* Breastfed babies are constantly exposed to a variety of tastes through their
* mother's milk.
* Breastfed children are at less likely to need orthodontic work such as braces
* due to the unique sucking action required with breastfeeding. They also seem
* to have better overall dental health than formula-fed children. Children who
* were breastfed need speech therapy less often than those who were bottle-fed.
* IQ levels are average of 8 points higher in children who were breastfed.
* Adult daughters who were breastfed are at less risk of breast cancer.
* The bond between mother and child seems to be enhanced with
* breastfeeding.
For Mother
* Nursing immediately following delivery causes the uterus to contract
* lessening the risk of postpartum hemorrhage.
* The uterus of a breastfeeding mother shrinks to its pre-pregnancy size more
* quickly.
* Calories are burned while breastfeeding. It takes approximately 20 calories
* to produce an ounce of milk.
* Women who nurse their babies for at least 6 months lessen their chances of
* pre-menopausal breast cancer.
* Osteoporosis and cervical cancer are less common in women who breastfed.
* The return of fertility is delayed with breastfeeding.
* Breastfeeding is more economical than formula feeding.
* Breastmilk is always available, clean and at the right temperature.
* Many mothers feel a special satisfaction in knowing that they alone are
* meeting the nutritional needs of theirs babies.
* Adults who were breastfed have a lower risk of high cholesterol and asthma.
啊好好笑的是 接下来那个助产士教我们怎样才算正确的挤奶还有包尿布等等······
当然用讲的是容易 所以他们给了我们一些 Note 和图片回家自己慢慢看着学!
哇塞!我最顶不顺的是 很多准妈妈会问助产士这样的问题;
请问哪里有得买这些 电动挤奶的 或是 手压挤奶的?
我知道我不应该笑人 可是这应该是每间大大小小的 SuperMarket 都有卖的喔!
难道这些准妈妈都是超级 100% Monday - Sunday 8am - 8pm 的 OL 吗?
Ok 咯 ~ 我承认我嘛是在那天第一次看到什么是 Napkin Layer?
这个噢没有人告诉过我 可是我小小声告诉小鹿我们去 Super 找找看 ~
Napkin Layer = 是一块薄薄似的纱布用来放在布尿布上面的 较好吸水较清洁·····
这个下篇才打字了 现在好像有点累 又好像有点爱睡 就等饭后吧!
自从辞职后 自从我上了产前课程后 我现在才算是打了很多的英文字·····
产前课程 W.5 - Part I a
~ 文接下篇
Yy - Mini Room
10:36 AM
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