昨天第四堂课 很不值得咯 因为小鹿又做我迟到了!
迟了 30 分钟这样多 我很喜欢我的妇产科医生做导师 因为他讲得很好很精彩 ~
真的走宝!还好还有一半听 " 凸" 是有点生气的!
从医院拿回来的资料如下 :
How do I know when to come into hospital ?
What happens in Labour ?
* The womb gets ready for labour in the few months of your pregnancy.
* You will have felt your womb have small contractions when it goes hard.
* These are call Braxton-Hicks contraction.
* " False Labour ". Sometimes it is difficult for you to tell when the
* contractions are Braxton-Hicks contractions of the start of your Labour.
* The Onset of Labour
* - More frequent and painful contractions
* - Water bag may burst ( if the water bag burst you must come into hospital
* - even if you have no pain )
* - " Show " – mucous with blood mixed in it. ( fresh blood is very abnormal.
* - Come into hospital immediately )
When should I come into hospital ?
If this is your first pregnancy and you live in Penang there is no need to rush and break the speed limit. Unless you have had problems during your pregnancy ( eg. A breech or twins ) there is no need to rush into hospital with the first few contractions.
* If you have a " show ", wait for other signs that you are in labour.
* Have a shower or a bath, trying watching the tv, get some company……
* when the contractions become together stronger it’s time to go in.
The explain and understand labour, doctors and nurses devide into 3 stages.
* 1st stage
* - is from the start labour until the cervix is fully open ( at 10cm )
* 2nd stage
* - is from when the cervix is fully open until the baby is born.
* 3rd stage
* - is from the time the baby is born till after the delivery of the after birth,
* - the placenta.
What should I expect when I am in Labour ?
What should I expect ?
* Given a private room
* Change into a gown
* Examined by a nurse
* Water bag ruptured if necessary
* Baby is checked by a CTG machine
* Move around
* Offered pain relief
Pain relief
Most mothers are worried about pain when they are in labour. Some of the way which you can try to help coup with the pain are :
* Massage by loving husband
* Breathing exercises
* Injections
* Breathing a gas called Entenox
* Epidural
What problem can happen ?
No one can guarantee very labour will be a normal labour. That is why you have doctors, nurses and monitors to look after you and your baby. Occasionally problems can happen in labour ?
* The cervix may stop opening up
* - A drip may be started to give pitocin to get the contractions stronger
* - A caesarean may be needed
* There might be fetal distress when the baby is not getting enough oxygen
* - A caesarean may be needed
* The mother needs some help to deliver
* - Forceps or Ventouse
Other problems…..
What is an episiotomy and why is it done ?
* A cut " down below "
* To prevent a bad tear
* Speed up labour if there has been no progress or if there is fetal distress
* In forceps deliveries
* It is not done routinely
What happens after the baby ?
Having a baby is only the beginning of many things. What happens after ? There are many things to consider.
* Your body begins to readjust itself
* - Get tone back onto your muscles
* - Pelvic floor exercises to reduce the risk of prolapsed and urinary
* - incontinence
* Breast feeding
Why should I breastfeed ?
* Protection against infections
* - Less diarroea and lung infections compared with the bottle feeding
* - because breast milk has antibodies
* Protection against allergies eg. Asthma
* - Even a single bottle of formula milk early on can risk of allergy
* Lower risk of cot death ( also know as SID, sudden infant death )
* An association with higher intelligence ! Because some of the nutrition that
* the baby’s needs during its early development cannot be imitated by
* powdered milk
* Emotional bonding with your child. Some mothers find it hard to love their
* babies. Breastfeeding helps mother and baby to start develop a loving
* relationship
* Makes night feeds and travelling more convenient
* No running out of supplies !
Breast milk is BEST !
Want another baby next year ?
Look around you at home or at the office.
* Condoms
* The " Coil " or IUCD
* The combine pill
* The mini-pill
Prevent Cervical Cancer
You will routinely be offered a cervical pap smear at your check-up after your delivery
After the baby…..
* Breast feeding
* Postnatal exercises
* Sex !
* Depression
* Hair loss
* Sleepless nights
* And many more…..
It is not easy to being a mother. Many mothers often say " I’m coming back as a man !"
这一堂课告诉我们 怎样生 / 生的过程 才是重点!
最重要的是不要给我在自然生的时候 忽然间在 Half Way 我的子宫门不能开·····
然后要我开刀······ 这可是两边的痛!
本来还在想是不怎么害怕的 可是照片看多了 难免的会起鸡皮疙瘩 怎样好呢?
难道就像老人家说的 Die Die must GO ~
眼睛关关 敢敢去 硬硬 Push 然后小虎 PU 一声这样就出来了!
不想这样的多跑去 Tea Break 又是很不错的一餐 尤其是那个不知道叫什么的糕 虽然软了可是很好吃呐 ~ 我又吃了很多块!
这次不觉得过分因为我还没有吃晚餐 我在车上只是吃了几片白面包而已 ~
本来我很想做一个从网上看来的面包似蛋糕 可是偏偏杰作失败!
就这样两人要挨饿 其实小鹿还要啃完那个失败的杰作 呵呵 ~
我现在才觉得自己很够力咯······ 哈哈!哈哈!
第二个 Session 呢?

虽然很简单容易而已 ~ 还教我们怎样呼吸 说是全都是要生的时候会用到的·······
我还在想 不是到时痛的时候 当然是也大力喘 不是也大力喘 不是吗?
好像喘到很紧张这样咯 呵呵 ~ 是我乱乱想太多吗?我是看戏看来的!
所以呢?一直都在不停的问······ 几点了做么还不下课呢?过了 9.30 pm 了······
哇······· 我真的很顶不顺他 真的很像三岁小孩一样!
好不容易熬到 10 + pm 终于放了······
结果下场大雨 我们只是在 Perak Road 吃鸭蛋炒馃条 + 豆水!
2 杯豆水 安哥收我们 RM 1 我们还给他 RM 2 以为 RM 1 一杯 哈哈 ~
什么世界了 还有 5 角钱一杯的豆水 还很大杯 Normal Size 咯 ~ 吓到!
小鹿的生日这餐只花了小鹿 RM 8 !
吃完在回家睡觉的路途中 小鹿忽然杀出这句 我买小罐的 Haagen Dazs Ice-Cream 给你······ 不过是要收到你要生的那天才吃!你先收在冰箱里······
去死啦你!你不会等我们下个星期看好日子知道哪一天了你前一天带我去吃啊?现在收着?有得看没得吃 你不会叫我先去死!
妈的!死小鹿 亏他这样也想得出的死招!
我呢?才不想和这种人讲话 我可以拿他的钱后天天自己出去吃到够才回家!
很快····· 还有一堂课而已 我就要待产了·······
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